Wednesday, 20 May 2015

New Blog, New Project, New Miniatures, New Rules

I had the idea of combining my theology degree and my passion for wargaming by re-fighting every battle in the Bible but there are a few challenges. Firstly there is scale, the size of the battles even the smaller ones (Abram's rescue of Lot in Genesis 14) are pretty huge which makes things tough when I really prefer working in 28mm scale and larger and have an obsession with a 1:1 man to miniature ratio. The second issue... or non-issue depending on how you look at it is the lack of information on the particular battles. Moses and the rest of the authors of the Old Testament were not particularly interested in the strategies and tactics used or often how the battle runs from start to finish, these may be able to be found through wider historical research but I imagine lots are lost to history.

There are however advantages, with ancients wargaming miniatures abound in 28mm, and even if I can't find the specific tactics and strategies used by the ancient Israelites it's pretty likely they used the same ones utilised by other nations. But I may have solved that problem already at least for a short while, by starting out in 28mm I'll inevitably be looking at skirmish gaming to begin with and at that level it makes things much simpler. There are a number of skirmish rules systems out there already that can be applied such as Song of Blades and Heroes or Open Combat, but since it's hard where I am to get anyone to play anything other than 40k I'll be on the look out for some that adapt well to solo gaming.

So beginning with a few miniatures a side, I'm hoping to start out solo gaming a small portion of a larger action and am hoping to see it build up from there.

I've ordered a few things from and will check back when they arrive!

See you soon.

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