There are however advantages, with ancients wargaming miniatures abound in 28mm, and even if I can't find the specific tactics and strategies used by the ancient Israelites it's pretty likely they used the same ones utilised by other nations. But I may have solved that problem already at least for a short while, by starting out in 28mm I'll inevitably be looking at skirmish gaming to begin with and at that level it makes things much simpler. There are a number of skirmish rules systems out there already that can be applied such as Song of Blades and Heroes or Open Combat, but since it's hard where I am to get anyone to play anything other than 40k I'll be on the look out for some that adapt well to solo gaming.
So beginning with a few miniatures a side, I'm hoping to start out solo gaming a small portion of a larger action and am hoping to see it build up from there.
I've ordered a few things from and will check back when they arrive!
See you soon.
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